• Zhe Li
    Google Research
    Email: lzhe (at) google (dot) com
    Greeting! I joined Google Research as a software engineer.  I obtained my Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Syracuse University advised by Dr. Qinru Qiu.
    My research interests lies on deep learning acceleration, machine learning, high-performance computing,  and computer vision. I welcome connections who are also interested in similar fields.



  • Google (12/2018 ~ Present)
    Software Engineer @ Perception, Google Research
  • Google (05/2017 ~ 01/2018)
    Software Engineer Intern in Research @ Perception, Google Research
  • Google (05/2017 ~ 01/2018)
    Software Engineer Intern in Research @Google Cloud AI
  • Software Center, Bank of China (06/2013 ~ 08/2013)
    Software Engineer Intern
  • China Unicom (05/2012 ~ 08/2012)
    Software Engineer Intern

Honors and Awards

ICCAD, IJCNN, SSCI travel grants, 2014-2016
Most innovative student paper award at IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, 2016
Outstanding Graduate Student Award,2014


Conference Reviewer:

Journal Reviewer: